
©Judy Bebelaar, 2019

(Guggenheim Museum September 7, 2014 James Turrell Aten Reign)


Light falling

from 18 billion years ago 

from stars

or from stage lights

light cascading down like rain, 

like a blessing.


My heart beats more slowly as the soft blue 

deepens shade by shade 

into royal blue at the lowest tier

of the rotunda’s ascending spheres

and already the light falling 

from the highest sphere in the dome

is now rose,


becoming warmer as it spills 

from each ring of light

and my breath quickens,

my heart pumps time away


and yet here we are

in a realm without time,


mesmerized by gold now

into peach and the world outside

with its racket and clatter,

its cursing and spitting

less real than the light falling all around 

like the light near water,

we silent watchers bound 

to one another by the falling light.


©Judy Bebelaar, 2019

        Judy Bebelaar’s award-winning poetry has been published widely. And Then They Were Gone: Teenagers of Peoples Temple from High School to Jonestown, nonfiction, has won four awards including two first prizes in different categories from Royal Dragonfly Book Awards and a first prize in the 2019 Northern California Publishers and Authors contest. Judy and co-author Ron Cabral were named SFPL Library Laureates, 2019 for the book, and it was one of five nominees for a Northern California Book Award in nonfiction.


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